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Energized Health

Nutrition, Health & fitness Coaching

with Mike Szpakowski

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When you close your eyes and picture yourself at your most healthy, vibrant self, What do you see?

Are you strong?

Steady energy?

Eyes bright?

Lean physique?

Calm, focused and happy?

I cannot say what your ideal self looks like, but I know I can help you realize your health and fitness goals!

Sun Rays Outline
Sun Rays Outline

Services Offered

Healthy Food Ingredients


Confused by what you should be eating? Tried and failed?

Distracted by the next fad diet on social media? Lets get into what is right for your body, your goals and set you up for success!

Woman Doing Fitness Exercise Outdoors


Do you find it challenging to find time for the gym? To exhausted to think about working out? Customized plans for you and your lifestyle will make your goals achievable!

Nutrition and Fitness

Working on a whole body plan is the way to go, pairing dietary plans with a solid base for movement and fitness allows for a health package to set you on the optimal path for life!

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What Clients Say

Mollie aged 22

Really kind. so easy to work with. Allows you to go at your owns pace as long as you are moving forward! Makes you feel like you can do anything!!!

John aged 62

After suffering a heart attack ten years ago and was saved by stunting, I continued on my regular eating habits and way of life. Two years ago I had my second heart attack this one more serious than the last. At that time I was diagnosed with coronary artery disease and was also diagnosed with diabetes.

I knew I had to make some serious life changes, in steps Mike Szpakowski. Through his recommended diet changes and life style modifications I was able to loose about 15 pounds and lower my diabetic numbers from the teens to the normal range and... keep it there.

Mike has proven to be very knowledgeable, he understands what foods can do and what exercises can help in a multitude of situations.

I would recommend him to anyone wanting to improve their health or just simply get into good shape. He is patient, follows up with his clients and never leaves you hanging, you can ask him anything or just talk to him when you need encouragement, he truly is a plethora of information and guidance.

Stefan aged 30

Allow me to be open. Over the past 6 months, well past the wondrous birth of my daughter, I have been dividing my time between raising my daughter, supporting my wife, becoming primary support for a geriatric family member, managing multiple near-death experiences, my own patients, and personalities of local networking groups. This is all to say that in caring for others, I learned the difficult lesson of losing sight of caring for myself. Until Mike Szpakowski of Energized Health came along. Through professional coaching & guidance, I am sleeping better, eating more mindfully, and have lost over 4 lbs of targeted fat loss with trending positive vitals in 2 short weeks. My new health journey with Mike is only in its infancy yet the progress is already in great stride. He is reasonable, knowledgeable, and on my side. Thank you, Mike.

Hand Drawn Sun Rays


It’s often hard to talk about yourself, however the reason I am doing what I am doing in the health sphere is because of experiences and challenges I have faced…

I grew up pretty normally in a small town in Ontario, Canada. I was quite active as a child and ate the standard fare consisting of pop tarts or cereal for breakfast, sandwiches packed for lunch and spaghetti or meat and potatoes for dinner.

Although I was pretty active I realized at a young age that I was overweight and it started to show more as I got to my later elementary years and into high school. Seeing people on the front of magazines in great shape made me realize there was something I could do about the way I looked and felt it gave me something to strive for (as unrealistic as it might have been). I still remember get my first set of dumbbells as a birthday gift around the age of 13. Probably a whole 20 lbs each!

Although I enjoyed sports and even started weight lifting I wasn’t getting in any better shape and I started developing pain in my knees that was unusual even for a growing teenager.

As I went through high school I was able to get my weight down as I learnt about eating, making more healthy choices and maintaining my physical activity, but the pain I was experiencing in my knees got worse and started into my hips and my spine as well.

At around this time I chose the life of a musician and made it a full time career. This meant practicing and playing every day. Along with touring with a band across the continent for some years. This was a very special time in my life and opened up my eyes to different landscapes and ways of life across Canada and the U.S. Most importantly I met lots of very interesting and great people. This broadened my horizon to endless possibilities and all that life had to offer.

During all of this I struggled with intense, daily pain. It affected my sleep, my mood and energy. It was just hard to be my happy self. The pain got so bad that it would often take up to 10 mins to squirm out of bed. Then it would take me another hour of slow movement to be able to go out in the world and start my day.

I’d had enough! I decided to go to the doctors and was referred to a specialist, a Rheumatologist. After some extensive blood work it came back that I had a certain genetic variation that meant I likely had a specific auto-immune condition called Ankylosing Spondylitis. I thought to myself, “what an unfortunate name for anything, let alone me having that”. Another name for this in the past was called “bamboo spine” which just means over time your spine is destined to be as stiff as bamboo and not work properly.

The doctor told me that I must be on medication for my entire life or else my destiny would entail a lot of pain, lack of mobility and the possibility of a wheel chair. They did offer hope with the medications, however me being who I am, and already seeing benefits of proper nutrition and movement, I decided to look into things for myself and try to find out more natural ways to combat this disease.

I spent years upon years reading, soaking up all the information I could to learn about General Health, Auto-immune Conditions, Hormone Health and the Endocrine System, how sleep affects our biology, the Circadian Rhythm and how the sun and sleep cycles optimize our bodies.

To really refine my knowledge about health and fitness and to learn different tools to work with people and all the emotional things that go along with them, I got a Level 1 Certification at Precision Nutrition which gave me extra insights and credentials to properly work with clients and to help understand the many different scenarios that I would have to deal with and equip me with the ability to figure out solutions. Precision Nutrition takes a "Whole Health" approach to figuring out health problems. This is exactly how I came to figure out solutions to my own problems, by looking at the BIG PICTURE and not just focusing on one or two minute things. The education from this certification has been priceless and has encouraged me to continue learning as I continue my career.

This all lead me down the path to where I stand today, in the absolute best shape of my life, with a deep understanding of nutrition, health and physiology. I still have to work to be where I am but I do it happily as just a normal part of my life.

Today, I am taking all of my experiences, challenges, pain and knowledge, and finding joy in being able to help other people in similar and very unique circumstances. Providing answers, direction and a new vigour for life for all the clients I have the pleasure of working with… this is very important to me, this is my passion!

Thanks for reading! If you ever have questions about how I dealt with something don't hesitate to ask.


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How to Book

Call or text me!

(289) 880 6686

Email me!

Looking forward to starting this journey with you!

Phone Number

(289) 880 6686

Mailing Address

P.O.Box 305, Burford, Ontario, N0E1A0

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